Saturday, August 29, 2009

Abandunce, Prosperity and the Law of Attraction

What are your beliefs about your own abundance and prosperity?

As a matter of fact all of us want abundance and prosperity into our lives.

How to allow yourself to receive, believe you deserve, and open yourself to unlimited abundance and prosperity?

Gratitude is the best way to keep the law of attraction showing up with abundance and prosperity. Gratitude will put you on the fast track to start manifesting abundance into your life. Be grateful for everything you have right now and more good and well being will manifest into your life. Being open to abundance and prosperity in your life, and believing that you can manifest without fail great abundance from within is absolutely important to understand.

Think and visualize the abundance of money you have, see your bills being paid easily and quickly and that you always have enough money to buy whatever you want. Remember, you already have the power to draw to you whatever you want that will contribute to your highest good, tapping into the unlimited abundance of the Universe. A common mistake that we make is that we tend to think of abundance in terms of how much money we have in our bank accounts.

The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance states that you have everything within you right now to make your life a living dream. Each positive thought you have brings the world closer to fulfilling positive abundance through the Law of Attraction and the Universe. It seems that the future is bright now with millions are using deliberirately the Law of Attraction, in order to stat living their dream life.

Go get started manifesting abundance with the law of attraction for success and prosperity. This will put you in a positive abundance vibration. Start feeling life's abundance right now and you will soon start noticing more and more of it entering your life. You can purposely attract the wealth you desire, the happiness you deserve, the prosperity you are entitled to now. I didn't always understand these laws, but now that I do, my prosperity and abundance are predictable. You will quickly learn how you too can have abundance and prosperity flowing quickly and directly into your hands.

Remember : Abundance and treasures on all subjects – including health, happiness and wealth – are your rightful birthright. Part of your life's purpose is to move beyond lack, scarcity, and limitation. You are in control and you define your manifesting abundance and prosperity.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Visualization is one of the most powerful “secrets” that is used by world-class achievers. Visualization is not the Law of Attraction but it is only just a small piece of the puzzle of the law of attraction.

Visualization is the process of making mental images, and it is this image that will serve as a pattern from which your future will emerge. Visualization is obtained by using your imagination to vividly envision your desires manifest themselves with as much excitement and feeling as possible. The Law of Attraction is fun to learn and use because you are always watching, waiting expectantly for your desires to manifest.

Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your cup will be filled with what you asked for when the time is right. This clear desire or intent in our mind is our asking or letting the universe know that this is what we want to manifest into our lives. In our thoughts, we may create positive images and self-suggestion and this visualization can change emotions that subsequently have a physical effect on the body.

Visualize what you want in your life not what you do not want you don't want. If I tell you not to think about the Eiffel Tower in Paris , guess what you just did that. Visualization is by far one of the most powerful tools for good setting and attracting what you want. The only problem is that you’re asking the universe to send you the opposite of what you truly want. When you state “I don’t want this or that” and “I don’t need such and such,” it’s exactly what you manifest in your life.

When people ask all the time how do I visualize the things I want, I tell them the same way you visualize the things that you don’t want. Visualize what you want with the right focus and with the right emotion. When we visualize the infinite flow of abundance that we are, then we allow that experience into our lives.

Daydreaming, fantasizing, mental rehearsals, and imagination are all examples of visualization. There is no right or wrong way of doing the visualization. It will enhance your mind power to be able to focus on your visualization. Repetition can bring about similar results, but the longer and more focused visualization will help you to manifest more consistently and more quickly. Thus it improves your ability to manifest and start getting more of what you want into your life.

This clear desire or intention in your mind is your asking or letting the universe know that this is what we want to manifest. Well the attraction principles are quite similar in that they help condition the mind, body, and spirit to vibrate at an optimum level to produce all that you truly desire.

Remember visualization is very powerful, as the mind doesn’t know what is real or imagined. Always visualize what you want in your and with much feelings and emotions as possible.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

How to be Grateful

Today I want to expand more on the subject of gratitude. In the previous post I mentioned that one of the quickest way to manifest what you want in your life is to show gratitude for what you already have. You may say why do I have to feel grateful for?

The reason is that when you feel grateful for what you already have in your life you will start feeling positive. By feeling positive you will align yourself for more positive things to start manifesting themselves into your life. Remember that the Law of Attraction states that likes attract likes,which means what ever you're think and feeling in that moment the universe is responding to those vibrations you are sending out. That is how the Law of Attraction works.

You may say but I don't have anything to be grateful for. You're wrong you already have plentiful to be grateful for right now. Even if for example you do not own the house you have wanting for or the relationship you desire, there are many things you can be grateful for.

Start with the obvious your health and family. Do you have a car? A home? Clothes on your back? Food on the table?You don't have to have the fanciest or the most expensive items for you to be grateful. Even if you buy your clothes at Goodwill, at least you're clothed and warm. A used car in good condition will get you to work just as easily as a brand new car. Remember to be grateful for the small things in life, such as finding the car keys in time to get to work or getting a restful night sleep before an important day or having a warm shower and so on. You get the idea.

The reason I told you about the importance to start a gratitude journal is that you at least will set a side a specific time each day where the main focus is to appreciate all the good things that you already have in your and very often will take them for granted.By feeling grateful you will send positive vibrations to the universe which will in turn send back you more positive things into your life.

So go and if you haven't started the Gratitude journal do it NOW ..........

Friday, August 21, 2009

Is the Law of Attraction About Chance?

There's no such thing as chance. Everything that happens in this universe and in your life happens for a reason. That reason is the Law of Attraction.

Whether you accept it or not, the Law of Attraction is always at work. To believe that it works means that you have to accept responsibility for where your life is and that makes it hard for many to accept the Law of Attraction. Most people right now reading this are going to think: "I do accept responsibility." Do you really?

Where are you thinking right now? Are you stressing about money or how to pay the bills? Are you stressed over the fact that more bills keep coming and the money keeps getting spread thinner and thinner?

The more you worry and stress out about bills, the more bills you'll receive. The more you worry about not having money, the less money you'll have in your bank account. If you simply change the way you think about these things, you'll be amazed at what will happen. You will begin to take positive action subconsciously.

Spend the next 21 days not thinking about your bills. Don't look at your bank account. Every time you go to the mailbox, picture money in there. Every time you start to think about bills and debt, change your thinking into thoughts of overflowing abundance.

Think about what you have in your life that is good. Everyone, no matter who they are, has something to be grateful for. Figure out what you're grateful for and focus on it.

Some will argue that it takes more than just "thinking" about things to make them happen or appear, and that is true. Thoughts have to be transformed into actions, that's why some believers say that, so long as you're thinking about what you want in life, you will take the necessary actions to make those things happen. This is simply another way the Law of Attraction can work in manifesting what you really want.

The Law of Attraction is working right now, all around you. It's at work in your life. It's time for you to take control and make the Law of Attraction work in your favor. This means you have to change the way you think. You have to be grateful for what you have and you have to always focus on the positive. The Law of Attraction is real, and it is powerful.

Quick Daily Exercise
Start A Gratitude Journal.

Pick up a writing pad and use it as a Gratitude Journal. Set aside 5 to 10 minutes each and every day and list everything you are grateful for. These don’t have to be necessary the big things but also small things such as be grateful for the pen you are writing this journal or for the breakfast or shower you had taken in the morning. Ok you get the idea. Once you start writing down you will be amazed with how many things you are grateful for.

By writing daily in your gratitude journal you will slowly but surely start changing your thinking and start to attract more of what you want in your life.

Is the Law of Attraction Always At Work?

This question has been asked time and time again by just about everyone that's ever heard of the Law of Attraction: does it always work?
As hard as it may be to believe, the Law of Attraction is always at work. It has always worked and it will always work whether you deliberately practice it or not. As for some reason people tend to think that if something bad happens to them it is not their own fault but is due to some outside circumstance which they do not have control over it. And then simply state that the law of attraction doesn’t work for them and think that the law of attraction is some sort of hocus pocus or some kind of Harry Potter magic.

On the other hand no one questions the law of gravity. If one for example jumps off a 20 storey building we all know what the consequences will be and no one blames the law of gravity but will say how stupid is that person to jump off that building. For some reason when we were young , we have been thoroughly been taught how to avoid the consequences of the law of gravity but no one taught us anything about the law of attraction or its existence.

In its simplest term the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It's based on the fact that everything in this universe transmits a certain vibration and those vibrations seek out and interact with other things or experiences that have similar vibrations. Thus we always manifest in our life what our dominant thoughts and vibrations are at that moment.

Haven't you ever noticed when one bad thing happens in your life it is often followed by another or a string of similar events? This is often called the domino effect. We have other sayings for it such as: "When it rains it pours." That's the Law of Attraction at work. In other words it doesn’t matter for the Law of Attraction if the consequences we experience are good or bad as it is just responding to our dominant vibrations.
If the Law of Attraction is so great, why use negative examples to illustrate its effectiveness? For some reason, we as a society find it much easier to believe something negative instead of the things that are positive. When good things happen we just write them off as a one-off lucky break and then most probably shift to our old way of thinking. With the result that we continue to manifest in our life what we don’t want over and over again.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is the Law of Attraction?

Are you fed up with the notions of what you're supposed to do?

We're all taught early in life that we're supposed to grow up and work for a company like an indentured servant for 40 years and then fade away at retirement with a company pension that barely covers the necessities of daily existence. However, people are becoming more enlightened and educated, realizing that there's a better way. You can have a prosperous life and feel fulfilled!

"The Secret" Exposed The highly popular book and movie, The Secret, has made such a powerful impact on people, but on the other hand the Secret isn't really exposing anything new. It speaks of ancient secrets that successful people have used since the beginning of time. People within "inner circles" throughout the ages have aggressively guarded this secret because they felt that if it got out, it would quickly be distorted or watered down.

But nowadays with higher educational level ,the average person has access to learn about and use this secret law. And that law is: like attracts like. This essentially means that you have to picture yourself as wealthy and successful in order to be someone who is wealthy and successful.

Creating a positive mindset and thinking about the positives in life is key for "The Secret" to work.
If you can see yourself as wealthy and successful, then you can become that way even if you start from scratch. Wealth and success are not matters of luck or some kind of rare talent. Success is created by habits. These habits are instilled in people through visualizing their dreams as reality.

It's More Than a Pipe Dream...

You have to do more than just visualize your bank account overflowing with cash. You have to be willing to take ACTION, it doesn’t matter if they are only baby steps. Keeping that positive mindset always at the forefront of your thoughts will help you focus and guide you to take the correct steps to prosperity.If you intensely picture your life as prosperous, you'll begin to notice opportunities arising that will lead you to new found prosperity, such as a job promotion or a new position with a different company.

If you intensely picture your life as being debt-free, then you'll see opportunities to make extra money to pay off those credit cards, such as doing odd jobs for neighbors, having a yard sale, or selling unwanted items on eBay.

If you intensely picture yourself living in a healthy body, then you'll subconsciously start to make changes to your lifestyle. Sometimes a visual reminder helps keep you motivated, so find a picture of a healthy body and give yourself permission to want that for yourself.

When you can visualize your new life and focus on what you want to do and where you want to be, you'll attract great things to your life. On the flipside, if you hold onto negative thoughts, you will only attract more negative feelings and experiences in your life.

Give yourself permission to desire a good life and focus your mind deeply and fully. You must first believe that you deserve a good life before you can live one. That is the secret.