Friday, August 21, 2009

Is the Law of Attraction Always At Work?

This question has been asked time and time again by just about everyone that's ever heard of the Law of Attraction: does it always work?
As hard as it may be to believe, the Law of Attraction is always at work. It has always worked and it will always work whether you deliberately practice it or not. As for some reason people tend to think that if something bad happens to them it is not their own fault but is due to some outside circumstance which they do not have control over it. And then simply state that the law of attraction doesn’t work for them and think that the law of attraction is some sort of hocus pocus or some kind of Harry Potter magic.

On the other hand no one questions the law of gravity. If one for example jumps off a 20 storey building we all know what the consequences will be and no one blames the law of gravity but will say how stupid is that person to jump off that building. For some reason when we were young , we have been thoroughly been taught how to avoid the consequences of the law of gravity but no one taught us anything about the law of attraction or its existence.

In its simplest term the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It's based on the fact that everything in this universe transmits a certain vibration and those vibrations seek out and interact with other things or experiences that have similar vibrations. Thus we always manifest in our life what our dominant thoughts and vibrations are at that moment.

Haven't you ever noticed when one bad thing happens in your life it is often followed by another or a string of similar events? This is often called the domino effect. We have other sayings for it such as: "When it rains it pours." That's the Law of Attraction at work. In other words it doesn’t matter for the Law of Attraction if the consequences we experience are good or bad as it is just responding to our dominant vibrations.
If the Law of Attraction is so great, why use negative examples to illustrate its effectiveness? For some reason, we as a society find it much easier to believe something negative instead of the things that are positive. When good things happen we just write them off as a one-off lucky break and then most probably shift to our old way of thinking. With the result that we continue to manifest in our life what we don’t want over and over again.

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